Our Mission

The Professional Towing Association of Ontario is a professional industry association dedicated to representing the towing and recovery industry in Ontario since 1998. The PTAO advocates on behalf of the towing and recovery businesses to ensure a safe and transparent business operating environment, in the service of Ontario’s motoring public.

Board of Directors


Gary Vandenheuvel


Preferred Towing

Sarnia, Ontario



Bryce Weber

Vice President

Aces Heavy Towing

Mildmay, Ontario

519 367-2837


Brian Elliott

Secretary / Treasurer

Elliott Motors of Stratford Inc.

Stratford, Ontario



Dennis Roberts


TransCan Service

Blind River, Ontario


Derek Didone


County Towing

Harrow, Ontario



David Allen


Gary's Towing

Thunder Bay, Ontario



Code of Conduct

  1. Towing Operators/Owners should conduct themselves and their Towing Companies in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate Laws and Common Laws of Ontario inclusive but not exclusive of;
    1.1. Highway Traffic Act
    1.2 Consumer Protection Act
    1.3 Any appropriate and applicable municipal bylaw
  2. Maintain a high standard of business principles and avoid all conduct, which would bring reproach upon this Association, its members. Each member owes a duty of integrity, honour, fair dealing and courtesy to the general public in the operation of all facets of its business.
  3. Towing Operators/Owners should ensure that they and their staff conduct themselves in a courteous and civil manner and observe fair and proper business practice.
  4. Towing Operators/Owners should not take any action which could abuse the trust of the public or exploit public lack of knowledge or experience which could harm or mislead any consumer, as outlined in the Consumer Protection Act
  5. The Towing Operator should ensure he has procedures in place to professionally manage each incident from the initial accident/breakdown notification, to the recovery of the vehicle while maintaining contact with the consumer where practical.
  6. Towing Operators/ owners and their employees, drivers and persons accompanying their drivers shall refrain from intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse or assault of customers; members of the public, other towing operators and or drivers.
  7. Towing Operators should ensure that towing vehicles are maintained in such a condition that it contributes to the positive public image of the towing industry while meeting the certificate of fitness requirements as contained in the Highway Traffic Act and by the Ministry of Transportation.
  8. Towing Operators shall ensure that their employees and drivers are properly qualified to conduct themselves in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Highway Traffic Act (and any other legislation that is or may become applicable to the industry) while on duty.
  9. Towing Operators shall always compete in a fair and honourable manner, never publicly attacking the reputation of a competitor.
  10. Towing Operators/Owners who are registered members of the PTAO agree to bind themselves and their employees to this Code of Conduct and abide by the decisions of the disciplinary committee of the association.