June 25, 2024
The Ministry of Transportation would like to remind you that new rules under the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act, 2021 (TSSEA) will take effect on July 1, 2024, requiring all tow truck drivers to have a tow driver certificate to operate in Ontario.
The ministry engaged with over 100 stakeholders across various sectors through consultations that covered licensing, towing and storage rates, and enforcement. Public consultation was also available for Ontarians to submit feedback through regulatory registry postings.
On July 1, tow truck drivers who apply for a certificate must complete mandatory driver training approved by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) before submitting their application. Certificates are valid for three years and subject to a $195 fee. Drivers can apply online for certification and find a list of authorized training providers once available.
The TSSEA came into force on January 1, 2024, introducing new consumer protection measures for the towing and storage industry including rate schedules, requiring vehicles to be released when requested by owners, detailed recordkeeping requirements, and requiring towing and vehicle storage operators to have a certificate to operate in Ontario.
To support the industry as it adjusted to the new legislation, the ministry implemented an extended period of education and awareness, which began July 1, 2023. This period of TSSEA education and awareness will end on July 1, 2024, and full enforcement of legislative and regulatory requirements will begin.
MTO remains committed to working with the towing and storage sector, municipalities, law enforcement, insurers and other stakeholders across the province to ensure a smooth transition. Should you have any questions about the new requirements for tow truck drivers, please contact Towing@ontario.ca.
Original Signed
Jennifer Elliott
Commercial Safety and Compliance Branch
Posted in Member Communications, MTO